2020 Bonar Street, Suite 234, Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510.644.6049
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Department Overview
Welcome to the 91ÄÛ²ÝÂ鶹 Risk Management web page.  This site serves as your clearinghouse for all things related to risk and insurance.  You’ll find requests for certificates of insurance, forms related to on the job injuries, links to safety and compliance training, and so much more.
Company Nurse (Injury Hotline / Nurse Triage)
Call: 877.247.1447 Â Group Code: BRKLY (Berkeley Unified employees only)
Company Nurse provides immediate access to health care advice from a Registered Nurse 24 hour per day, 7 day per week for employees who believe they have been injured on the job.
Please report all work-related injuries and illnesses to your immediate supervisor within 24 hours whenever possible.
Policies and Forms
Risk Management Downloadable Forms
- (for Field Trips, etc.)
- Report of Hazard  [RM-01]
- Safety Suggestion Form
Workers’ Compensation Downloadable Forms
- Report of Incident [RM-03]
- Witness Statement [RM-04]
- Supervisor’s Report of Investigation [RM-05]
- Acknowledgement of Receipt
- Notice to Employees [DWC-7]
- Aviso a los Empleados [DWC-7]
School sponsored Guidance
Extracurricular Activities Participation
TargetSolutions provides online safety and compliance training. Use the link above if you have been provided a login and password. If you are a Berkeley Unified School District employee and need a login, contact Risk Management at risk@berkeley.net.